brown university south walk green

Providence, Rhode Island

brown south walk green
brown university south walk green
view with bollards.jpg

The South Walk is a primary green in the sequence of open spaces that form the Brown Walk.  A primary aim of the design is to provide a strongly defined space that can hold its own since many of the adjacent building sites may remain undeveloped for some time. Perimeter walks and flanking lines of trees define a space that will retain its clarity as neighboring sites are developed.

Large shade trees are added to break down the scale of the space so that it is not overly grand or too heavily focused on the buildings at each end.  The high canopies of these trees will block the higher long view and refocus attention to the pedestrian level keeping the landscape dominant.  The central shade trees are spaced far enough apart to preserve the open nature of the spaces while still keeping the experience intimate. These trees are all significant native species including some trees not commonly used in urban planting such as a Dutch Elm disease resistant American Elm and an American Sycamore tree.