Avalon Bowery Place II Roof Terrace

New York, New York

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Avalon Bowery Place planting
avalon bowery place
avalon bowery place

The Avalon Bowery Place II roof terrace maintains a required 2000 sq. ft. minimum roof garden area and a contradicting 900 sq. ft. maximum habitable area by strictly limiting the walkable surface within large planted areas set flush with the paving.  A taller building to the south blocks mid block views so the terrace stretches out to the east corner to take advantage of the best views down the adjacent avenue. Three discrete areas are defined by the roof landscape including a trellised barbecue area adjacent to the elevator lobby, a trellised sitting area that looks east and an overlook terrace at the eastern corner of the roof.  Restrained materials, including corrugated metal sheets and painted metal trellises, are used in a variety of ways to screen mechanical units and frame views. The gravel roof ballast is left visible in places revealing the terrace as an overlaid layer.